Friday, May 1, 2009

Thanks for the great advice so far!

Thanks to my new friends here on this blog, I now have a functional profile at Elance (user name Skishpaugh if anyone wants to look at it and give me feedback). I also put together a resume (thanks a ton to Kristina for all of her patient hand-holding on this) and just received an email that I have been accepted at Demand Studios!

I am rather excited to spend the weekend learning how to navigate these sites and will be putting some plan of action together for next week. I am certain I will soon have a million more questions, but I wanted to throw an update in here to let everyone know that this blog has already been extremely helpful to me, and I look forward to learning more from you wise people in the future.

Thanks a bunch!


  1. Hurrah Shelley!

    It's been a good week, then!


  2. I agree it has been a good week...on to the next one.

  3. Many congrats on landing the DS job! :) That's terrific!
