Thursday, April 2, 2009

Greetings, Hacklings

Hello, everyone!

This is Sarah Grace's little sister, Daisy.

Sarah introduced me to Helium in April of 2008 and I started building a portfolio of useful content on that site. After I got comfortable with the medium (and was hosted on the Helium front page a couple of times) I decided to try Elance too. Since June 2008 my husband, Ken, and I have raked in almost $5000 writing part time.

I have taken the leap (yikes!) of quitting my regular office job in corporate purchasing to do freelancing full time starting 4/14/09. There appears to be no shortage of work and I plan to branch out on Guru and IFreelance next. Since I live in a big city, I may also be able to find local clients through Craigslist as well.

Although I enjoy writing, my real passion is for drawing and painting. Working from home will give me the opportunity to pursue these interests through some of the same venues that offer writing jobs. I already illustrate a Karate newsletter for one client and I hope to land some contracts to write and illustrate children's books.

My current most frequent writing genres are: eco-friendly topics, self improvement, martial arts, home building, interior design, human resources, medical, and technical subjects.

Ken and I are currently building a
vegetable gardening and recipe site that we hope to monetize with adsense and affiliates this year.

I look forward to getting to know the rest of you peeps better.

Now, back to the ink well!

Shasta Daisy

1 comment:

  1. My lil' sis, ladies and gents - I'm so happy she is able to fire her boss and strike out on her own :)

    Now she will just have to kick that getting dressed in the morning habit...
