Friday, April 24, 2009

Looking for Gigs in All the Right Places.

Many newbie’s are intimidated to undertake and seek new venues for their writing talent. What is the worst that can happen when you send out a query and apply for a writing job? Either yes or no answer at all .

If you do not get a job, keep seeking and applying. It has been estimated that over 100,000 articles are needed in a day for the web alone. With figures like that only means that there are plenty of opportunities out there for all writers.

Apply for positions that use one or two of your strongers niches at first. As you obtain more jobs and experience, then venture your writing ability to other areas of interest.

Ok, you are probably thinking, "Where do I look or find work?"

Try a few of the sources listed here for starters.

Set some time to go through each of them and bookmark what you feel will work best for you. Just think, these 10 job sites are free; so take a look, apply and you may be working as soon as tomorrow.

1) On-Line-Writing Jobs – They pull from Craig’s List but it certainly makes it a lot easier rather then bouncing from city to city on Craig’s List. The site is updated several times a day and shows the number of hits.

2) Freelance Writing Gigs - Run by Deb Ng, a freelancer and blogger who has done it all and seen it all. Her developed site gets better by listing the best jobs of the day from other sites.

3) All Freelance Writing - This site offers a short list but will be available as soon as you wake up in the morning.

4) Media Bistro – A full spectrum of job listings pertaining to the media can be found here with a free registration.

5) About Freelance Writing - This site is offered on behalf of veteran, Anne Wayman. She lists new jobs on Mon, Wed and Fri.

6) Journalism Jobs – Occasionally a good freelance telecommuting writing position happens here.

7) Indeed – Search your niche (freelance writer, blogger, travel writer, etc) and something may crop up that fits to a tee.

8) Pro Blogger – If blogging is your thing, this daily site is the one to check.

9) Poe War – Offers writing job postings infrequently but when they do, you won’t want to miss these.

10) University of California at Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism - You can find a good variety of print and media writing jobs listed. No need to be a Berkeley grad to apply.

***This bonus resource will prove to be helpful, especially if you are seeking to get your writing into mainstream magazines:

Writing for Dollars – Dan Case provides a free weekly newsletter with a guideline database for high, medium and lower paying magazines. Sign up for the newsletter and copy these invaluable links onto your computer for future reference.

There are many more resources offering writing jobs. Utilize them by setting aside a certain time frame each day. Before you know it, it will be feast rather than famine with the number of jobs you are handling.


  1. Wow, thanks for that information. It looks like I will be spending the next few days rather busily.

  2. Thanks for posting this! I'll definitely look into them.

  3. You certainly made it easy for us, Veronica. Thanks!

  4. Veronica-

    Once again, an excellent post! I am grateful to have you doing the legwork for this blog and checking out these valuable resources for us.

